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A Weekend of Firsts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

 Last Saturday was my & the BF's 3 year anniversary ♥. We ended up waiting to really celebrate it until yesterday. It was our "first" date since Baby was born, and - despite the fact that I cried as we were driving away from dropping him off at his grandma's - it was a lot of fun! We ate at Cheddar's and I had my first legal drink (I turned 21 in September but was pregnant!).
Strawberry Swirl frozen margarita.. I took probably five whole drinks lol. Really strong! Afterwards we played putt putt and then went to pick up our sweet baby. It was really good to get some alone time with my boyfriend :).

Today is my first mother's day! It's been wonderful! I am so lucky and grateful to be a mom to such an amazing little boy. After sleeping in, we went grocery shopping and then hung out with my mom and little sister for a little bit. We made a pizza for lunch - boyfriend wanted pepperoni and black olives and I wanted spinach and onion, so we made half and half.

Sooooo good! Other than that, we've just been veggin out and I've been getting spoiled. Heh :) Tomorrow is weigh day and the start to FINALS week. I'm going to school this summer so my break is only like a week, but I'll take it!

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment

Amy said...

Pizza & margarita look delicious! Glad you had a good time with your BF....

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